Demonstration project for practical use of fuel cell railcars
Aiming to start demonstration tests with driving tests in 2021 to realize hybrid railcars that use hydrogen as an energy source and a combination of fuel cells and storage batteries to run trains (testing railway station and routes: Tsurumi Station of JR East, Nambu Branch Line from Shitte Station, and JR Nambu Line between Shitte Station and Musashi-Nakahara Station)
Click the title to see the details on the official website of Seaside International Strategy Headquarters of Kawasaki City (the website is in Japanese).
Demonstration project for a model using fuel cell forklifts filled with CO2-free hydrogen
Aiming to build a system as a model for a medium-scale on-site filling station, hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water using electricity from solar power generation will be used to fill fuel cell forklift trucks at the plant.
Project to build a supply chain for hydrogen derived from process gas using the organic chemical hydride method
This project promotes to build a hydrogen sharing network to use hydrogen extracted from process gas for power generation and other industries. In this project, process gas generated at overseas oil plants is reacted with toluene to produce gas at normal temperature and pressure, transported by oil tanker to the Kawasaki seaside area, and extracts hydrogen from process gas using catalysts developed by Chiyoda Corporation.
This project was selected as one of NEDO's "Development of Large-Scale Hydrogen Energy Utilization Technology" projects and were implemented over six years from 2015 to 2020.
Click the title to see the details on the official website of Seaside International Strategy Headquarters of Kawasaki City (the website is in Japanese).
Introducing and verifying hydrogen-cell/fuel-cell technologies to railway stations
The Seaside Business Promotion Department, Seaside International Strategy Division, Kawasaki City has been wor […]
Establishing a package-type hydrogen station
Since FY2017, the Seaside Business Promotion Department, Seaside International Strategy Division, Kawasaki Cit […]
Demonstration project for application of low-carbon hydrogen in Keihin Coastal Area
We will carry out a demonstration test of a project in which hydrogen produced through water electrolysis by w […]
Demonstration project of local recycling (locally produced and locally consumed) hydrogen model based on low-carbon hydrogen derived from used plastic
We will carry out a technical demonstration test of the recycling model, in which hydrogen produced from used […]
Joint demonstration project of an independent energy supply system based on renewable energy and hydrogen
We will carry out a demonstration test of “H2One”, an independent energy supply system based on renewable ener […]

International Economic Affairs Office,
Economic and Labor Affairs Bureau
Kawasaki City
Economic and Labor Affairs Bureau
Kawasaki City
1, Miyamoto-honcho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki City, Japan, 210-8577