Kawasaki’s Experience with Serious Pollution
Located at the center of the Keihin Industrial Zone, Kawasaki was a major powerhouse driving Japapan’s high economic growth during the 1960s and 1970s.The downside of this rapid industrial growth, however, was a sudden degradation of the environment and serious pollution problems including air pollution and water contamination. To deal with these problems, businesses and government alike responded with various initiatives and gradually succeeded in restoring the living environment to a level where people of the community can live with peace of mind in the knowledge that they are surrounded by clean air and water.
The sky over Kawasaki
The sky over Kawasaki (1960s) | The sky over Kawasaki City (2014) |
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Changes in the concentration of sulfur dioxide
This (chart) shows changes in the annual average concentrations of sulfur dioxide. The environmental target (daily average of 0.04ppm or less) set independently dy Kawasaki was achieved in all city areas in fiscal 1979 and has been achieved and maintained since then.
State of the Tama River
At this time, water pollution was serious due largely to the inflow of household laundry detergents. However, widespread development of sewerage system imploved the water quality dramatically. A campaign to make people in the community feel a close association with the Tama River and appreciate it as a place for relaxation and leisure is currently in progress.
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Economic and Labor Affairs Bureau
Kawasaki City
1, Miyamoto-honcho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki City, Japan, 210-8577